
New York Times: Classified Military Report Does Not Conclude Bergdahl Deserted

klys (maker of Silmarils)6/05/2014 2:04:12 pm PDT

re: #30 Aunty Entity Dragon

What shocked the fuck out of me was the way that Fox went after his family. I suppose we should have expected it after Michelle Makin went stalking a SCHIP family to see what kind of counters they had in the kitchen…but this kind of attack on a frightened mother and father is utterly evil, and unprecedented in modern US politics.

You know, I get that there are questions that need to be asked and answered and that the circumstances surrounding the disappearance are murky. I get that.

But to pretend that there is any kind of value in what Fox has done in vilifying his family, in the parade of his ‘comrades’ to smear his character before he’s even made it back to the States, to say that these questions take precedence over simple fucking human decency…

If someone isn’t genuinely outraged over that, I don’t know what to say to them. Saying it’s all just politics or both sides do it doesn’t cut it. This is about the ethics you have as a person and where you are willing to draw the line, and a lot of people are showing their true colors over this.