
CNN Held Talks About Joint Venture With Glenn Beck's The Blaze

William Lewis8/22/2014 7:38:35 pm PDT

re: #35 Rev_Arthur_Belling

I will say that I’m more than a little disappointed in KT. We had some pleasant discussions of cooking shows. But he always seemed to give as good as he got, like D_F, but apparently Anthony Cumia set him off.

I’d argue that unlike DF who, while set in many of his ways remains open to discussion and actual thinking, KT was in slow burn flounce mode ever since the rest of us wouldn’t see how EBIL!!11ty!! OWS was. Cumia was just his excuse, there were other similar slime he tried to gather support for in his 1) fear of chaos, 2) free speech absolutism and 3) reactionary “classic liberal” hog manure.