
Department of Defense Paid $5.4 Million to NFL Teams for In-Game "Military Salutes"

I Would Prefer Not To5/10/2015 10:01:12 am PDT

re: #37 Unabogie

Morning adventures.

As I was out walking my dog, I passed my neighbor who also has a dog. Our dogs don’t get along, so I was going through the “classical conditioning” routine and it worked great. Neither dog snarled. So I said “that went better than usual.”

The problem is that my neighbor is a right wing nut, so he replied “are you still enamored with that Jew hating, communist, dictator Obama”?

Me: “Are you alright?”
Him: “Alright?”
Me: “Yes, because we haven’t spoken for years and this is the first thing out of your mouth? That’s really weird. So are you alright?”
Him: “I just can’t figure out why people are still enamored with that Jew hating, communist, dictator”
Me: “You know, I’m Jewish. And that’s really offensive. What’s wrong with you? I’m worried about you”
Him: “A lot of Americans are worried about that Obama”
Me: “Then that’s odd because we keep winning elections”

True story.

neighbor forgot to mention that Obama also loves gays and immigrants.