
Video: Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz a "Maniac," Says Hillary Clinton "Killed Hundreds of Thousands of People"

goddamnedfrank12/13/2015 11:21:46 am PST

re: #15 Desmond

Supporting the Iraq war? Libya anyone? Let me be clear, I’m not putting her in the W or Cheney category of mass death causing, but I think she has been a consistent hawk throughout her political career and has supported military actions without considering the consequences.

The Iraq War was a terrible decision, one she cynically washed her hands of more than actively supported but still her vote at the time was deeply regrettable. I’m still of the opinion that the Iraq War vote was unconstitutional for the same reasons that the Line Item Veto was struck down, it was an illegal delegation of Congressional authority. I wish more Senators and Reps had realized this at the time.

I’m not sure what other options existed with regards to Libya however. The difference between the two is that in Libya there was an active, well organized and comparatively secular rebel movement already fighting Qaddafi. Simply letting the entire country twist in the wind could plausibly have gotten far more people killed. The problem as such was in the follow through, we should have devoted far more money and resources in rebuilding the country and providing security for the new government.