
This Week on Politics: Trump Goes Mola Ram on the GOP

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)5/05/2016 5:48:45 pm PDT

re: #23 EPR-radar

Losing in a 49-50 state blowout is what the Republican party desperately needs to spur its reform, but this won’t happen.

There just aren’t that many Romney states that can plausibly turn blue, even with Trump as the nominee.

If Texas goes blue, that might do it. Leave aside S. Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee; you’re probably right that it would take Pol Pot throwing infants into ovens on national TV as the GOP nominee to make them pull the (D) lever.

But losing Texas? Without Texas, the GOP does not win a national election. Glenn Beck is crazy, but he’s not stupid. That part he realizes. What happened in California becomes the national standard - rural areas are angry white & rednecky, and the rest of the country goes about the business of cleaning up the mess the way that Jerry Brown has done. That’s a best-case scenario.

Of course, the California budget is still balanced precariously on the 1% making a killing in their tech-fueled IPOs, and we are still living with the Original Sin of Prop 13 making the tax system dysfunctional and corrupt …