
Comedians Continue Doing the Best Analysis of Trump: Seth Meyers on the 2019 State of the Union Address

KGxvi2/06/2019 12:02:24 pm PST

re: #31 The Vicious Babushka

Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder was actually making fun of blackface. He was playing a white (non-American, I believe Australian) actor who used blackface for the role. There was an entire subplot to the movie about the actual black actor character being pissed off about it and Downey’s character not getting it.

And I’d point out that Wilder and Aykroyd are shown in scenes with two of the greatest comedians (that happen to be black)… I’m guessing if Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor weren’t in on whatever the joke was, it probably wasn’t going to happen.

(I don’t have a defense for the rest)