
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

Teukka5/08/2020 5:00:38 am PDT

re: #33 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I don’t get too vocal on my TL but I had to call out that video and CT mindsets. Was touched to see family and friends that I’ve known for many years agree. I’m sick of this stupidity.

I’m sick of it too, because not only does it slow a meaningful response to the crisis, it also puts people at risk.

re: #35 Shropshire Slasher

Russian trolls have been working overtime with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Indeed they are. I both fear and hope that their conspiracy theory manufacturing backfires badly on them.

re: #36 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

The first example isn’t contradictory. Force people to go to work to get them off unemployment. When they die some other poorer person will take the job until they die because we’re all expendable.

I get what they’re saying and doing (whick is righteous) but this isn’t wrong. A couple of others are a little “off” from what I’ve seen. Close but off. Off enough that what they’ve said was wrong but what had been said was right.

I think it may be that they’ve tried to use examples which mimic the initial belieivability of some conspiracy theories, which often is what sucks people into the wabbit hole.