
From Rural Georgia to the White House

Dreader196210/08/2009 10:43:21 am PDT

I’ve tried to trace my family history and the story becomes fuzzy at around 1854. I followed some tenuous leads back to where my great-great grandfather came from in Lyme Regis, England and found out there was a small village named Ryall nearby that shares a name of one of the ancestors in my family tree, but I would have to meet with the vicar to pursue any further.

I think the typical family history is that way, since many immigrants left Europe due to poverty and have humble origins. I have pictures of my grandfather’s home, which was a rough log cabin house that was about 600 sq/ft. Each generation of my family has gained overall, even made it through the Depression intact. I always think on this when I read the current bad economic news. We will get to another era of prosperity - it may take 10 years, but not much more than that based upon American history. One painful thing to deal with is our horrible deficit spending/national debt situation. This must be solved to prevent these downturns from being so damaging.