
Sunday Afternoon Open, with Subtitled Film

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/25/2009 2:37:14 pm PDT

Seems that Palin’s great accomplishment as Governor may be getting some scrutiny:

Alaskans wait to see if Palin’s gas pipeline plan will produce state’s next big economic boom

Sarah Palin hit the vice presidential campaign trail last year and touted what Alaska could provide for the rest of America — a natural gas pipeline to help lead the country to energy independence.

When a pipeline might be built remains a giant question for Alaskans who need the project to support a vulnerable economy and for the Lower 48 states that need the gas, and a petroleum economist who spent more than 25 years in the Alaska Department of Revenue says it may never happen under Palin’s plan.

The former governor’s proposal used faulty accounting to reach the flawed conclusion that a pipeline owned by a third-party would be more profitable than one owned by major gas producers, who must be on board for any project to be successful, wrote Roger Marks, in his paper, “Why America May Not See Alaska Natural Gas Soon,” published last month in the Journal of Economic Issues.

Palin’s alternative, Marks said, discourages their participation and may even stand in the way of a more financially viable project.


Her successor and his minions are still backing the plan. Time will tell who was right about this one.