
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/26/2010 2:51:27 pm PDT

Sorry to bring something up from the last thread, and I really do need to run, but I do not want to be missunderstood.

re: #670 The Sanity Inspector

The trouble with the might-makes-right argument is, you’ve got no moral standing to object if the Arabs ever get it together, and make Israel “one with Nienveh and Tyre”, and Outre-Mer.

You are absolutely correct. That is why I did not list right of conquest first. Our main argument for the land is that it really is our very own historical homeland.

My point in bringing right of conquest is to point out that most people live places that have no claim to their land nearly as strong as Israel does to it’s own land.

My point is one of hypocrisy.

My point is that by any measure, Israel has more right to the land of Israel than the US does to Pennsylvania.

In fact even by the right of conquest standard alone, we have more right, sine it was the US that went and wiped out the Indians of Pa, where as it was the Arabs that attacked Israel.