
Erick Erickson Threatens Any Census Taker with Wife's Shotgun

cliffster4/02/2010 10:45:02 am PDT

re: #4 Charles

Yeah - CNN too.

It is a good thing, a blessing even that Tiller the baby killer is dead. Good! I feel sorry for the man who killed him because he did the right thing. May every late-term abortion doctor die


ROEDER COULD BE THE “END OF DAYS” MARTYR. It’s actually unfolding folks… Armagedeon… That’s my opinion.


Roeder is a murderer of a mad man doctor who chose to violate his solemn oath to “do no harm” as he slaughtered innocent defenseless babies. Soldiers are murderers too then as they defend OUR rights to freedom and justice FOR ALL – including unborn children.
