
Orrin Hatch: Drug Tests for the Unemployed

iceweasel6/17/2010 2:37:53 pm PDT

re: #23 JasonA

Pfft. I’ll see your starvation quote and raise you one sterilization.

Heh. I was just about to dig up something on that. :)

Sterilization!1! But also, let’s do everything we can to block abortion, emergency contraception, and non-surgical abortion!!

Wingnuts only care about ‘life’ so long as it is currently attached to an umbilical cord.

The state of Minnesota is paying for programs that encourage women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant to forgo abortion. But according to experts, some of these taxpayer-funded programs are intentionally misleading women in crisis by providing inaccurate information about reproductive health options. And a large amount of money in the program goes to overtly religious organizations, some that include Bible study among their grant-funded activities.