
Geller Still Using Gingrich's Name in Promos

What, me worry?8/21/2010 6:23:29 pm PDT

re: #27 Dark_Falcon

This thread is the perfect place to post a link to my newest page showcasing the asshattery of Scott Wheeler. Click here to read Wheeler’s latest missive, wherein he declares in defiance of all recent evidence that “This is NOT a First Amendment issue. We believe in, and cherish the Freedom of Religion.”. He makes this absurd claim while still trying to block the Park 51 project.

The title of that should be “Why You Should Hate American Muslims.” I mean, if they were honest about it.

But wait, they say the Democrats are the bigots? Huh??

I liked that bit about the 1st Amendment Rights. “This is not about First Amendment Rights! Ok? Got that? Moving on now….”

It would almost be funny if it didn’t make me cry.