
AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer: Letting House Burn Down Was 'The Christian Thing To Do'

webevintage10/07/2010 10:28:19 am PDT

re: #32 marjoriemoon

ANYONE, particularly one who claims to know the word of God (this man most certainly does not) who can stand by watching animals burn or who can justify such a thing - Oh I can hardly bear to think of it - has more in common with the devil then he does with God. And I don’t even believe in the devil.

To me, that was the worst part of what the fire dept did. I don’t know how those people sleep at night.

And let us be clear NO ONE is suggesting that firemen rush into a burning building to save animals…what we are saying is that by putting out the fire there was a chance those 3 dogs and one cat could have been saved.
But I guess that’s what they get for having an owner who was trying to “game” the system….