
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan10/13/2010 6:48:21 am PDT

Assemblyman Tried To Punch Westboro Hate Mongers

Yesterday the Westboro Baptist Church, the group that regularly protests at funerals of those who served in the military (prompting the father of a slain soldier to sue the church’s pastor), had a few of its protesters in Brooklyn and Manhattan yesterday to spread its provocative gospel of “God Hates Fags,” “Thank God For 9/11,” and “Your Rabbi Is A Whore.” At one location in Brooklyn, Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D) was so incensed he tried to punch out Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of the church’s founder Fred Phelps. According to WPIX:

Hikind interrupted an interview Phelps-Roper was doing with PIX 11 News to slap the posters, saying “Come on!” Phelps-Roper shouted, “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” while police supervisors grabbed the Assemblyman by the waist. “How dare you have those signs!” Hikind yelled. He then warned the Kansas group, “Just be careful the rest of your day in Brooklyn.”

Hikind also called Phelps-Roper a “whore” (you can see video below). Yeshiva World News reports that the Westboro protesters’ minivan’s tires were slashed: “They were seen a short while later getting their flat fixed at a local tire-repair shop. ‘The only thing I’m sad about, is that all four of their tires weren’t slashed’, Dov Hikind told YWN.”
