
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/09/2010 2:36:15 pm PST

Speaking of classic nut cases, over at the AFA their Bryan Fischer has an article today about bears: “A Hot Dog On Two Legs - Time for Open Season on Yellowstone Grizzlies” - that is classic AFA.

The carnage continues because of a benighted ruling by a federal court. Putting the grizzlies back on the “threatened” list means a human being can hardly shoot one of these as he is bearing down on his family without facing federal charges:

“The animals may be a victim of the success of conservation efforts. In 2007, the species was considered to have recovered enough to be taken off the endangered species list. But a court overturned that decision last year and returned the bears to ‘threatened’ status, a decision U.S. Fish and Wildlife is appealing.”

Maybe we could send a few of these “nuisance” bears home with these federal judges and help them get their minds right about the mindless risk they are forcing on their fellow members of the human race.

Just stupid. Of course one can shoot a bear in self defense. And the threat of violence against judges is all too clear.

Fischer is Christian version of Geller.