
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Refuses to Accept Fox Host Chris Wallace's Abject Apology

What, me worry?6/27/2011 11:23:59 am PDT

re: #32 BongCrodny

A Google search shows nearly 800,000 results for “Dennis Kucinich flaky.”

It ain’t a gender thing.

It’s a flake thing.

I don’t agree. I think women have a harder time. Let me ask you, which male counterpart was ever asked what magazines they read or who Paul Revere is?

I’m not defending Palin. I hate her politics. I hated her politics 3 years ago, but it does get under my skin that women aren’t treated the same. Least, I don’t see it. We have to be that much tougher. Plenty of women blow off this kind of thing because they have to.