
Fox News Finds the Perfect Replacement for Sarah Palin

stabby2/15/2013 11:25:31 am PST

re: #28 thecommodore

I was listening to Fresh Air yesterday and heard part of an interview with someone who wrote a history of the KKK in North Carolina during the civil rights movement.

The head of the clan used to make all these speeches who’s theory was that since black people aren’t really human enough to want freedom, the civil rights movement must work by blacks being controlled by socialists that themselves are totally controlled by the Jewish Conspiracy. And so there was mad ranting about socialists and communists but it was all the less important sandwich between anti-black racism and anti-Jewish racism.

I thought “how interesting, we have a black president now, and the GOP BRINGS BACK the mad mad mad anti-socialist ranting, minus the now-unacceptable obvious racism”

I wonder what Allen West would think of the provenance of his crazy anti-communist rants.