
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

avanti5/15/2009 9:57:15 pm PDT

re: #365

I’m a “rightie” and I have no problem with sex education, either, and in fact, eagerly embraced the sex education program offered by my daughter’s school.

It’s the idea of a baby being “punishment” that bothered me, and the idea that a baby is just about equivalent, it seemed, in Obama’s mind, as the “punishment” of getting an STD.

Because, you see, I don’t think a child is “punishment” for anything, and even in very difficult circumstances, the birth of a child is a joyful event that can and should be welcomed. If the birth mother is unable to care for that child, because of being a young age or whatever reason, then there is a family who wants that baby and will provide a wonderful life.

Again, it was a poor choice of words. I think a unwanted pregnancy is what many consider to be a punishment for immoral behavior. Abstinence teaching uses the fear of pregnancy and STD’s as one of it’s major selling points. A baby is never punishment, but a unwanted pregnancy sure could feel like one to a teenager.