
Daredevil #11, 'A Time to Unmask'

iceweasel6/02/2010 2:34:05 am PDT

re: #386 Gus 802

If Europe is “Godless” then I’m the Queen of England.


Oh I don’t know. Maybe I listened to too many Pat Condell videos. He’s always yapping about the Church of England.

Jimmah says : that sounds about right, re Condell. The C of E is stupid and annoying but also moribund and increasingly irrelevant, despite recent splutterings. What can you expect from a religion set up by a fat king who wanted more wives?/

iceweasel sez: Gus you’re right! Spain and Italy to start.

Italy banned IVF for lesbians a few years ago (adoption by gay people is likewise out the door). They instituted a law specifically asking about sexual orientation for women paying for IVF— to make sure no women who preferred women could get children in other ways.

That was a couple of years ago and I haven’t followed more of it.

But no one who looks at Ireland’s abortion laws and blasphemy laws alone can seriously claim europe is godless.