
CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

jaunte2/19/2012 9:43:03 am PST

Jonathan Alter:

Republicans are Unprotected on Contraception

…contraception is now the elephant in the bedroom — the issue that no one in the Republican establishment wants to talk about because they know it’s a disaster for them.

The Republicans may end up with a nominee, Rick Santorum, who has warned of “the dangers of contraception in this country.” He said: “It’s not OK because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

This from a candidate who recently said of the president: “He thinks he knows better how to run your lives.”

Imagine what Obama would do with that in a debate.

Instead of running away from Santorum, many Republicans are running toward him — once again, failing to get the memo on when to stop. Senator Scott Brown co-sponsored a bill this week with Senator Roy Blunt that would let any employer with a “moral conviction” (a term left undefined in the legislation) deny access to any health service, including contraception, they personally oppose. This weapon is aimed at Obamacare, but it will probably boomerang on Brown, who is locked in a tight re- election campaign in Massachusetts against Elizabeth Warren.