
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

wrenchwench7/13/2012 9:23:23 am PDT

Where’s that darn links button … I can’t see whether this has been posted already.

Mitt’s story doesn’t add up
What Romney said a decade ago makes a lot more sense than what he’s saying now

This is the last paragraph. Read it all to see how he reaches this conclusion.

The point here isn’t that Romney was running Bain Capital and making all of its key decisions from 1999 to 2002. But the story he tells now absolves him of all responsibility for anything and everything Bain did in those years. This would be reasonable if Romney had forged a clear and total break with the company in 1999, but he didn’t. His statement to the ballot law commission 10 years ago was supported by just about all of his actions between 1999 and 2002: Until the final few months of his Olympic tenure, Romney’s break from Bain was supposed to temporary.