
Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

Mattand11/03/2012 7:52:14 am PDT

re: #348 dragonath

Oh my, the website is pure gold:


In 2006 a man came to a S.C. Nazarene church to display his puppets which he claimed were used to teach Jesus Christ to young children. I took issue with the pastor and was told simply “it does not matter, there is nothing wrong with puppets and magicians in the church when used to teach children about biblical principles, etc” What really is involved is trickery and deceit, which can cause a child to become deceived and take on a spirit of spiritual dullness. Demons love puppets. What appears to be innocent is the very thing Satan and his demons use getting to children and start them on a path to deception and acceptance of deeper demonic issues later on.

Holy shit shit shit shit

Don’t mock this pastor; this is a serious problem.