
Anonymous Is Doxing the Klan

darthstar11/16/2014 7:26:15 am PST

Guy in “Premium Select” across from me on the flight home from Puerto Vallarta last night (that’s the extra leg-room economy seating but you also get free food and drinks for the extra $69) was going to get his money’s worth…he had the sandwich, he had the cookies, he ordered some pringles, and he ordered six bottles of Jack Daniels that I counted, and quite possibly two more when I wasn’t aware of the constant service he demanded from the flight crew.

Well, those last two bottles of JD were just a wee bit too much for him and he passed out cold 10 minutes before landing. Tray table down, movie still playing on his tablet in front of him. Flight attendant tried shaking him awake to no avail. Finally she just brought his seat back to an upright position, stuck his tablet, his passport and his customs documents on his lap, took his trash away and closed his tray table (didn’t even pause the movie).

To his credit, the wheels touching down woke him up (as his passport, docs, and mobile devices all flew off his lap and under the seats in front of him). How he managed to stay vertical through customs is still something I can’t quite figure out.