
Huckabee Forgets the First Amendment of the US Constitution

zombie2/10/2009 7:25:03 pm PST

Huckabee wants to be the William Jennings Bryan of the 21st century.

His kind of shallow, rabble-rousing, Christian-tinged populism has a long history in this country.

Bryan stood a chance of winning the White House 100 years ago because the people were a bit more naive than they were today. But for all his flaws and lopsided ideology, jennings was at least a brilliant speaker and communicator. Huckabee is a Lilliputian in comparison.

I’ve never actually seen it, but I saw somewhere that Fox News has given Huckabee a TV show all his own. I only shake my head in dismay.

Huckabee is probably a good man as a human being, and he is free to believe all he wants to believe, but I simply don’t want him anywhere near my Constitution or near the reigns of political power in this country.