
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

nyc redneck5/15/2009 9:57:20 pm PDT

re: #360 American Sabra

Obama clearly stated he wants to educate kids about AIDS and teen pregnancy which includes discussions about morality, disease and abstinence. I don’t hear anyone here cheering that, which was the meaning of his speech.

Children are a blessing, of course, and in no way, shape or form does Obama feel otherwise. He’s been a family man a long time. The unfortunate reality is that poor young girls are indeed often “punished with a baby.” Teens who who ruin their lives by having sex too early and irresponsibly, where there’s no father around for the child, little in the way of supportive families, monetary or emotionally (which usually falls on the women in the family, mothers and grandmothers) who lose their education or ability to learn a skill and place an even greater burden on an already overburdened and dysfunctional welfare system. Such stresses lead to abused children and a bad cycle just keeps repeating itself.

he was discussing a human life, his own grandchild and described it as a PUNISHMENT, if it was born at an inconvenient time.
there is no way to spin that as acceptable. the issues you have cited to describe
any hard ships or inconvenience involved in raising the child have nothing to do w/ this calloused statement from o, that is basically a window to his soul.
he is a stone cold narcissist.
his words are a window to his soul. he is a total narcissist.