
Pamela Geller Attacks Victims of Oslo Terrorist

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/31/2011 6:40:27 pm PDT

re: #386 ggt

Exactly! It is hard to tell, so why even try?

In the end all we know is that he is a human being. Does anything other than that really matter?

Anyone who can look at that picture of happy, smiling kids, and not feel gut-wrenched that they got shot, is fucking insane.

I have a friend who was in the Nazi Youth as a kid. Why? Because his parents told him it was the right thing to do and he loved them. Later he realized how monstrous Nazism was and was ashamed, though he’d only been a kid.

We didn’t fight WWII against the Nazi youth. At no point did Americans massacre unarmed Nazi youth who were going camping. The analogy on its own is a foul, contemptible thing.