
CNN's Dana Loesch Says Ending Friendships With People Because They're Gay Is Just Part of Being a Conservative Teen

Mattand6/08/2012 8:14:50 am PDT

re: #386 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

That effect is true for most of Pennsylvania in general. Complete panic once there are flakes in the air regardless of whether the snow is actually sticking to the road.

I know how to drive in snow (courtesy of northern NY state upbringing). I generally stay off the roads during storms and immediately afterwards to avoid the nuts, not due to the conditions themselves. And I have 4WD as well, but know that it’s not 4-wheel stop, though ABS is a helpful improvement over old cars.

I got caught in the snow storm in New Jersey last year around Halloween. No snow were I was visiting right on Raritan Bay. 4” a mile or so inland, and varying depth until I got down near Trenton. That whole drive was an experience due to seeing the whole spectrum of driving behaviors from wild speed idiocy on packed snow to near comatose crawling on pavement that was simply wet.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

NJ Halloween snowstorm? I don’t remember that. I’m in South Jersey, about 12 miles from Philly and an hour from Trenton. I wonder if that blew by us. Many of those storms tend to drift north of us and hit NY metro/North Jersey.