
Donald Trump Picks Up the Coveted Endorsement of Another Nativist Birther, Joe Arpaio

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/26/2016 4:52:04 pm PST

re: #390 ObserverArt

How do you figure?

Isn’t Trump asking his ‘followers’ to cut the chord to the wingnut mother…FOX?

Trump is playing the game that he is not anyone’s puppet. That is his whole schtick, not taking campaign donations, etc. He can’t be bought.

Today he basically said that the other candidates are wimps. They can’t be their own men (or woman, in one case).

It doesn’t matter that wingnuts are addicted to Fox as Trump has to get many more voters than are Fox watchers.

Polls already indicate that Trump’s strength is among the young and the old, the “moderate” Republicans, and of course the ethno-nationalists. Quite the coalition. Regardless, he has to show that no one can own him, and that include Roger Ailes.

Which is why in the press conference he explicitly called out Ailes by name, several times. Trump made it clear that he thinks Megyn Kelly is second rate, and that Ailes is childish (Trump used that word) for sending out that memo.

This goes back to the reports I linked a couple of weeks ago, about Ailes and Fox and Murdoch, about Ailes battling Murdoch’s children, etc. Trump knows these folk. Trump is playing this ultimate insider card - that he, not Roger Ailes, is Murdoch’s peer.