
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 4:12:36 pm PST

re: #389 J.S.

O really? So, now that you’ve read the Koran, you’re claiming to be a religious scholar to boot? and you know all how it’s interpreted? do you also consider yourself an Imam? (self-appointed?)

I apparently have read the Koran and you apparently have not.

I do not claim to be a religious scholar, but all I said is that the facial interpretation of Islam is indeed worse than Judaism. (full disclosure: I did not study the New Testament - only Judaism and Islam)

If you would like to dispute such a statement, then feel free to read the relevant documents and provide evidence that I am wrong.

(for the record, even if the Koran was the worst document ever to exist in the history of mankind, I still would not advocate banning it; I am simply saying that there is reason to be concerned with what is in the Koran)