
LGF on Glenn Beck

Pawn of the Oppressor4/16/2009 4:06:06 pm PDT

I said a couple of threads back… It took a Buckley to get rid of the Birchers. What’s it going to take to flush the Ronulans?

The forces of welfare statism are following Napoleon’s dictum to the letter: “Never interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake.” They’re loving this stuff. Beck, the Ronulans, the Alex Joneses, Troofers, Nirthers, Creationists, and a GOP that’s lost in the woods, all coming together in a big, noisy, Fox News-covered orgy of what, exactly?

And once again, the regular, sensible person gets screwed by association.

“He may be a bastard, but he’s our bastard” does NOT work when it comes to media image. Sorry.