
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton4/28/2010 8:54:14 am PDT

re: #375 drcordell

Huh, I guess the coyotes in San Diego really must be lazy and high. The first time I saw one I just remember thinking “wow he really does look like Wil E. Coyote” because of how scrawny and mangy it was.

And one can argue who’s encroaching on who, humans and/or animals, but the bottom line is, in many areas of the country, the wildlife is just that “WILD,” and they are not in the mood to play fetch with us humans.

I’m 40 miles west of downtown Denver, in the Rocky Mountains, at 8200 feet, it’s rural, but not off-grid, houses are on about 2 acre tracks, in the hills, and we see and have to deal with…

Bears, mountain cats, coyote, foxes, voles and deer, all animals who are not terribly afraid of humans, and can accomplish different levels of damage depending on the time of year, availability of food and water and how we react to them.

The deer can even be a big problem because they have become very comfortable living “among us,” to the point that you can drive down your driveway and accidently smack into a group of them. Ever see what happens when a deer goes through your windshield.

I had five deer in my parking area in front of my house two days ago, winter is letting up and they are out foraging.