
Do Religious Fanatics Have the Right to Conduct Exorcisms in the Workplace?

392 8:51:39 am PST

Pimping my own page - Dogs Decoded.

This is just too good a show not to mention it here.
If you have an hour to spare, this is well worth your time to watch.

Near the beginning, there are some very interesting eye signal experiments.

If you watch through, at the end they reference an experiment started in Russia 50 years ago, where they selected fox pups for lack of fear and aggression toward humans, and bred those pups. Within a few generations, they had become quite tame and cuddly, and not only that, their coloring began to change (became more “dog-like”) and other physical characteristics changed as well (their tails became shorter and pointed in a different direction). It was quite the eye-opener.

As part of the same experiment, they selected pups that were quite aggressive, and kept breeding those. Within a few generations those pups had become monster-like in their aggressive behavior.

They also placed aggressive pups with tame moms (and vice-versa). The pups retained their genetically coded behavior (aggressive or tame), rather than taking on the mom’s behavior.

Anyhoo - very very interesting show; worth a watch (and in my case, worth a re-watch!).