
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)3/07/2011 6:59:46 am PST

re: #369 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Okay. But, I’ve wondered why we pay for it. As for PBS? There’s so much educational TV on now that has to survive on its own merits (merits meaning commercially viable).

History Channel, NGO, Science… those channels are doing great. Making money. Ain’t getting the gubmint help.

As for Radio? NPR is the only thing I’ve heard that does what NPR does. So, won’t bitch about them too much.

See a lot of junk on those channels - and they also trade programming back and forth (notice that a lot of History Channel and Military Channel shows are recycled from Discovery or other previous showing.)

And 2-3 hours of Nazi flying saucer conspiracy stuff made me turn off my TV. Been just listening to music instead and reading. About time to seriously consider getting the cable unplugged.