
Anonymous Is Doxing the Klan

Dark_Falcon11/16/2014 7:31:23 am PST

I know its the Daily Mail, but its relevant to the thread, and it touches on something that is an especially serious concern for RWC:

‘I’m gonna lock your ass up’: Footage emerges of Ferguson cop who killed Michael Brown arresting a man in 2013 for recording him on his phone

Footage has emerged of Darren Wilson - the police officer who killed Michael Brown - threatening to arrest a man for filming him.

The video shows Wilson approaching a resident in Ferguson, Missouri, and demanding that he put away his camera.

It comes as a grand jury deliberates whether or not to indict Wilson for killing Brown in August, which sparked months of protest and accusations of racism.

The arrest was filmed in 2013, but was only posted online this week. It shows Wilson telling Mike Arman, a 30-year-old Ferguson resident, to put away his phone or be arrested.

Wilson, thinking he is being photographed rather than filmed, said: ‘If you wanna take a picture of me one more time, I’m gonna lock your ass up.’

And Wilson did arrest Arman (though the charges were dismissed), thereby making him yet another cop who got irrationally pissed off when someone tried to record him at work.