
Sunday Jam: Charlie Hunter, "Who Put You Behind the Wheel"

Targetpractice11/21/2016 8:57:40 am PST

I’m just gonna come out and say it: Bernie is old and thus his ideas are old. He’s trying to act like it’s still 1972 and the DNC needs to move past racial politics and start winning over the “working class.” But the “working class” is not monochromatic, it is as diverse and varied as the population that it supports with its labor. And so the issues that the “working class” deals with are also diverse, with different races and ethnicities dealing with different issues on any given day.

Yeah, the black guy working two shifts to make a house payment would like higher wages and better benefits, but he’d also like to know that his kids have an equal shot at getting into college as those of his white coworkers and that he’s not gonna get hauled off to jail for doing something his white coworker would get a citation for.

The Latino who’s worried about his credit card debt also might worry that getting pulled over by the cops will mean a several hour ordeal where he has to prove he’s a citizen because Officer Dipshit thinks anybody with skin darker than a paper bag is an “illegal.”

The woman working on the line at the auto plant wants equal pay to her male coworkers, but she also wants to know that her health plan will cover contraceptives and abortions if she should ever need them and that her boss’ “religious beliefs” won’t get in the way.

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for the DNC going forward, we have to be a party of diversity and thus diverse ideas.