
Watch Live: Protesters at Donald Trump's Inauguration

BeachDem1/20/2017 4:07:15 pm PST

re: #367 Blind Frog Belly White

Indeed, this was really all the Tea Party was ever about - white revanchism. It was born in a rant by a commodities trader at the prospect of the Government - which had just bailed out the Finance industry - doing something to help homeowners who were underwater and/or unable to pay their mortgages.

Why? Because in their minds, those bad mortgages were taken out by undeserving minorities, and the banks were forced to write them by Jimmy Carter and Barney Frank, while the Republican majorities in the House and Senate were powerless to do anything.

Yep. My wingut brother blames Barney Frank for everything that has ever gone wrong since time immemorial.