
Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS3/07/2022 10:15:03 am PST

re: #388 No Malarkey!

If Putin starts a major war with NATO while he is already losing a major war with Ukraine, then he is insane, and we can only hope someone in the Russian chain of command will block a nuclear launch order if Putin gives one. As discussed in previous days, its best to assume Putin is rational so that we can make reality based decisions. If he is insane, its up to the Russians to stop him before he destroys the world.

What if he’s doing it to give himself cover for the Ukrainian disaster? (“How could Russia prevail with NATO and its allies on all sides fighting against us?”) That would mean a few brief battles followed by a negotiated end.) I don’t know if that’s Putin’s style, though.