
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk3/07/2009 5:48:55 am PST

So, talking with a few of the more liberal members of my family last nite, the state of the economy inevitably came up. And they tried to proffer that you shouldn’t expect a quick turnaround because of all the problems built into the economy over the past decade. I had to point out that Obama is making things worse - that with every time he or Geithner go before the microphones, the markets tank further. They aren’t saying anything the markets want to hear.

Geithner was supposed to come up with a plan for the credit markets again, and yet he fumbled - the markets tanked. He can’t find people to be his deputies and fill hundreds of slots at Treasury because the same people who are qualified are the same people who got us into this mess.

Congress is a huge reason for the mess, pushing banks to lend to those incapable of repaying. Bad business decisions by banks further complicated matters. They accelerated the process, all in the name of increased home ownership. Now? So much for affordable housing, since Obama’s plan is actually going to be counterproductive and prop up markets sorely in need of continued correction due to foreclosure, which coincidentally makes those homes even more affordable to those who have proper credit and the ability to repay.

And a President who has put his faith in tax cheats to fix the economy doesn’t exactly instill confidence either.

They could have no answer in any of that. Why? Because it’s all true.