
Beach Ball

Cathypop7/31/2009 7:28:50 pm PDT

re: #367 solomonpanting

A somewhat confused woman is searching the produce section of her local market for strawberries. Unable to find any she finds the produce manager and asks where the strawberries are located.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am, but we’re temporarily out.”
The woman continues looking and again approaches the manager, who, a bit taken aback, but still polite, says “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but I believe I already told you we are out of strawberries.”
After futilely searching for strawberries, she again asks the manager where the strawberries are.
“Ma’am,” he says “how do you spell the ‘black’ in blackberries?”
“Uh, b-l-a-c-k.”
“Correct,” says the manager. “How do you spell the ‘blue’ in blueberries?”
“Yes, yes. Now, how do you spell the ‘fuck’ in strawberries?”
Replies the woman “But there ain’t no ‘fuck’ in strawberries.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Ma’am.”

Working in abok store in California. Women comes in asking for a book that is on a New York Times list. The cover is green. ??? She was serious!