
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

iceweasel8/18/2009 3:00:58 pm PDT

re: #237 quickjustice

Let me be more precise: Palin’s name is first mentioned by the lefties on the LGF links. The Weasel on the last thread, for example. Out of the blue, the Weasel surfaces Palin. Obsessed?

Demonstrably false. Others were discussing Palin first; I happened to comment.

BTW, a search of my posts here will show that I have consistently condemned what I see as outrageous and misogynistic attacks on Palin— especially by the left. I would never vote for her and I lost all remaining respect for her over the death panel business, but that is far from a view confined only to ‘lefties’ —here or anywhere.

Obsessed? Apparently you are.