
Gingrich Calls for Ban on Sharia Law, Which is Just About to Take Over

jamesfirecat9/20/2010 9:03:21 am PDT

re: #379 Romantic Heretic

I’m going to engage in a little heresy here.

The problem is that English has only one possessive, ‘my’. This means that we use ‘my’ for ‘my food’ or ‘my car’ or ‘my children’ when these are obviously different classes of possessions.

‘My food’ is meant to be consumed. It can be destroyed without being evil.

‘My car’ can be destroyed but it would be very silly to do so. There is no evil involved in ‘my car’s’ destruction.

‘My children’ are not to be destroyed, either by omission or commission. To do so is evil.

But because we have only one ‘my’ many people become quite confused over what class pf possession their possessions fall under. Which results in people killing their kids because they put their kids into a class of possession that can be destroyed.

We need to add more possessives to the English language to help avert these situations.

Semi /.

Maybe we should just switch to Galactic Seven now, and save the five galaxy’s the difficulty of figuring out our wolfling yips and barks.

//One of the worlds most obscure jokes…