
CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

Lidane2/19/2012 9:59:05 am PST

We clearly have different definitions of “pro-woman” —

Bachmann: GOP Is ‘Extremely Pro-Woman’

CNN’s Candy Crowley asked Rep. Michele Bachmann about the recent debate over an all-male panel discussing the new contraception rule. In reponse to the panel, Democrats have cried foul, accusing Republicans of excluding women from a conversation about their health. As Rep. Carolyn Maloney put it, “Where are the women?”

“The Republican Party is extremely pro-woman,” Bachmann responded. Bachmann argued instead that the new contraception rule was showing people Obamacare in “3D,” showing us new aspects of the law.

Yes, because all the slut-shaming that the GOP engages in, with their invasive ultrasound laws and their denunciations of birth control is totally pro-woman. Really.