
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

NJDhockeyfan4/03/2012 8:25:58 am PDT

‘Honey Sex’: Israeli Health Ministry Warns Against Dangerous, Sweet Lubricant

For anyone having too sweet a new year, consider yourself warned.

The Israeli Health Ministry is cautioning citizens against a new erotic stimulant known as “Honey Sex.”

Israel’s Pharmaceutical Crime Unit discovered the tasty item, available in pharmacies and natural food markets, and sent samples to a Jerusalem laboratory, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Scientists tested the “Honey Sex” and discovered the chemical Sildenafil, known as the active ingredient in the erectile disfunction drug Viagra.

From the comments:

9 Fans
3 hours ago ( 8:31 AM)
Most men already know women from Israel are a waist of time in bed. And I would guest the men are no better.
So men don’t waist your time dating Jewish women.
They waist your time in bed and want all your $$$$$$