
Fox News Uses Fake "Swedish Security Adviser" With Criminal Record to Hype Trump's Fake Swedish Terror Attack

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/25/2017 5:45:30 pm PST

re: #389 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs


When these Bro’s leave the Democratic party and do whatever they want to do, will they call it the Democratic party? What happens when their purity party isn’t pure anymore? Will they leave that one too?

They call their brand Justice or something like that. Nice name and all. Honestly, what I see them as are people who think they can crap on longtime and loyal groups to the Democratic coalition and claim that it’s not about the candidate- even though it clearly is about Bernie to them. The Bernie fanatics I know only post about Bernie and posts by Bernie. I really think success really was one of the worst things that could have happened to Sanders. Hear me out, I think it inflated his political ego big time and political egos usually do no one no good.