
Bad Lip Reading Remix: "STATE of the UNION 2020"

retired cynic2/29/2020 11:47:18 am PST

Charlie Pierce’s Saturday essay says that the Democratic candidates are not operating in reality. The structure of the Senate will stop most really progressive activity. Even if Dems take it.

Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC is one of the few people dealing regularly in the most obvious truth of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary process. It is a spirited campaign and an entertaining one and somebody will win it one day and, if God is in his heaven and Billy’s down by the bay, that candidate will become president in January of 2021. And, one day later, that poor unfortunate soul will discover that his or her feet are completely encased in concrete. No matter how well prepared this person is, they will be shocked by how thoroughly their feet will be encased in concrete. Look, the person will say to their chief of staff, or their spouse, or the White House maintenance staff, my feet are thoroughly encased in concrete, so thoroughly encased in concrete that I can’t seem to get anything done here in this lovely office. Somebody get me a jackhammer.
Unfortunately, using a jackhammer on the actual problem likely would be an impeachable offense because the actual problem is the structure of the United States Senate. Using a jackhammer on, say, Mitch McConnell, while undeniably satisfying as a speculative exercise, likely would get you tossed into the federal sneezer for a spell.