
Bush at Welcome Home Rally

Irish Rose1/20/2009 5:03:21 pm PST
Some in the crowd, weary of Bush’s eight years in office, booed the president when the large viewing screens near the World War II Memorial flashed an image of the exiting president arriving at the swearing-in. Moments later, rounds of cheers welled up as the same screens showed the incoming first lady, Michelle Obama, and her two daughters, Sasha and Malia.

Unfazed by his unpopularity, Bush smiled and waved throughout the day’s activities. He blew a kiss out the window of his limousine as he left the White House with Obama.

After the inauguration ceremony, some in the crowd waved at the aircraft in the sky. Others, however, cheered when they heard a television broadcaster announce, “George Bush is no longer president of the United States.” Still others in the crowd, broke into chants of “Na-na-na-nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye”
