
Overnight Open Thread

Salamantis3/10/2009 2:05:24 am PDT

re: #373 Slumbering Behemoth

Was Nightwatch’s post a reference to The Watchmen? I know nothing about the movie/comic book. Sorry, sorry, I mean graphic novel.

I don’t know whether he intended it that way, but it sure sounded like Rorschachian paranoia to me. And yes, Rorshach is a pivotal character in Watchmen.

Do yourself a favor, and catch the movie. I found it to be quite amazing. The ‘comic book’ is good, too - good enough to have made it onto the list of the 100 greatest novels of the 20th century. And I have read it, and in my opinion it belonged on the list (I have also read most of the other novels on the list).