
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Dante4110/02/2009 7:11:42 pm PDT

re: #367 pre-Boomer Marine brat

Two points, though I suspect you already know them.

1 — It’s called “a tough room” because one is expected to be able to back up, ie document, assertions with fact. Have links to reputable sources ready when posting something controversial.

2 — Check out Avanti’s karma. He’s a gentleman and rational, (though I often don’t agree with him) and it used to be about 12 miles south of zero.

Don’t worry. If I am going to make a controversial claim, I am going to back it up. This ain’t Fark. Can’t just backpedal and claim that you are trolling.

Now, my personal opinions are another matter. No matter how controversial(though still sane and polite), I won’t back them up. Because that would mean quoting myself, and I am trying to keep my ego in check. ;-)