
Al Gore in the New York Times

Lance o Lot3/01/2010 8:14:43 pm PST

I’m still not tasting his kool-aide. The Boreacle would have a little bit more credibility if he weren’t such a hypocrite and didn’t stand to gain so very much financially through his selling of “carbon credits”. The idea that we will pay some unfortunate soul in an under-developed country to continue his meager existence to off-set our own luxury, while absurd, is Al Gore’s bread and butter.

Roughly 5000 years ago, a man laid down to die on an alpine meadow. Then, after that glacier retreated a little, his body was found in such a state that it was first thought to be a crime scene. Should not global cooling have been stopped when that lush pastureland was still available for Ostty and his tribe? I’m sure that somehow, all of the smoke created by their carbon-based fires must have caused the global cooling that deprived his family of a proper funeral.

The simple point is that environmental conditions are cyclical and that the earth has fluctuated between total desertification, ice-encapsulation, and immersion in carboniferous jungles. Man in his vanity assumes that he can manage those cycles. Cnut the Great recognized this folly for what it was and disabused his people of their delusion. The fact that our government tells the sun what time to rise proves that fools are still born who think nature can be tamed.